Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Madonna's Meal

After looking through the recipes I picked yesterday, last night I really just wanted something reasonably quick.  It ended up taking just as long to get the groceries (I left the bag with the meat at the store...on the coldest, rainiest night of the year so far, of course) as it would have to make the chicken, but Nick opted for beef anyway so...there you have it.

Call it what you want: Schnitzel, Chicken Fried Steak, Melanesa, whatever...it's still beef breaded and fried.  It's delish.  Rebecca has a great description (and history less) on the dish here...worth the read, for sure.

Instead of making french fries on my own, I took the easy way and grabbed a bag of frozen sweet potato fries.  Worth. It.  However, I did attempt the grilled (though mine was fried) provolone recipe as well. On looking at the recipe again, I think what I did was nothing like the recipe...it was still yummy though.  I fried it up in the pan I'd used for the meat, turning it over every time it melted a bit, so the bread crumb flavoring got into the cheese.  The cheese itself was a big overpowering, but overall the effect was superb.  I won't even look at the calories.

So, this was dinner.  Simple, quick, loosely Argentinian.


  1. They just had a back to back Throwdown on Food Network with Chicken Fried Steak - it was pretty cool, as I've never had Chicken Fried Steak before (which now surprises me, as I love steak). Do you have Trader Joe's by you? They have great sweet potato fries.

    Don't feel bad about leaving the bag. I did that two weeks ago, on one of those last really warm days. I was going to do burgers on the grill - got home and went back and forth between my Jeep and the kitchen looking for the bag with the hamburger meet. Finally called the store and it turns out that I had left it there.

  2. I like the look of the grilled cheese. I've been playing with baked cheese (e.g., http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/snacks/r/cheesecrisps.htm) in an attempt to create some sort of pizza like snack for Joseph that a) is portable and b) doesn't contain wheat. I'm thinking about chopped pepperoni bits, sundried tomatoes, and oregano. I suppose pepper or other vegetables could make it healthier as well.
    Are the sweet potatoes Argentinian?
    If you're interested in trying a healthy alternative to fries, try roasted green beans. I made a big sheet of them (1 lb!) last night, and when I got back to them to have another taste, there were maybe 12 beans left. Hmm, I wonder where those could have gone?!! Really good.

  3. Gwenneth Paltrow has some recipes on her website (www.goop.com) that look pretty nice. I don't know if they could fit in with your weeks. I know she loves Spanish food.

  4. Yum! I just finished dinner but you've got me hungry again with your delicious-looking meal.

